Mike's Pub Archive


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Welcome to Mike’s Pub Archive

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Repository Language Forked
allthingsclowd Shell  
awslabs-eb-python-flask Python (*)
azure-app-service-web-python-get-started Python (*)
Azure-hana-large-instances-self-service-scripts Perl (*)
cxcv-sap-on-k5-poc Shell (*)
dockercloud-hello-world PHP (*)
dockercloud-quickstart-python Python (*)
dwatrous-cf-echo-service Python (*)
dwatrous-cf-service-broker-python Python (*)
fujitsu-k5-python-examples Python  
fujitsuk5-K5-Cloud-Foundry-Example-Apps PHP (*)
fujitsuk5-K5-Command-Console   (*)
fujitsuk5-k5-powershell-functions PowerShell (*)
gsuitedevs-drive-music-player JavaScript (*)
joergK5Schulz-OpenStack_Fujitsu_K5_Server_Build_API_Demo Python (*)
KennyBrown1-FujitsuK5-API-Scripts Shell  
mobingilabs-fujitsu-k5-sdk PHP  
mohclips-k5-ansible-infra   (*)
mohclips-k5-ansible-infra-v2 Python (*)
mohclips-k5-ansible-modules Python (*)
rackerlabs-wadl2swagger HTML (*)
wkornewald-allbuttonspressed Python  

(*) forked from elsewhere

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